This is essay 4 of 6 essays for 1729 Writers Cohort #1. Apply to 1729 today at I am late to publish this piece. It’s one of those days where ideas don’t connect. I’m blocked. “Listen to your frustration,” the advice from the author Robert Greene. What he meant was frustration and tightness that comes from single-minded devotion to one problem or idea will lead to a breaking point. It’s a signal from the brain to let go, for however long a period necessary, and most creative people consciously or unconsciously accept this.
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The limit of our brain, daily walk, and how…
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This is essay 4 of 6 essays for 1729 Writers Cohort #1. Apply to 1729 today at I am late to publish this piece. It’s one of those days where ideas don’t connect. I’m blocked. “Listen to your frustration,” the advice from the author Robert Greene. What he meant was frustration and tightness that comes from single-minded devotion to one problem or idea will lead to a breaking point. It’s a signal from the brain to let go, for however long a period necessary, and most creative people consciously or unconsciously accept this.